Sunday, May 8, 2016

It wasn't just me

Friday 29th Wyatt took me to the carnival. He said whenever we ran into each other at work, it made his entire day. When he dropped me off at 1 AM in the morning, we awkwardly said goodbye. Not exactly what I'd had in mind. I watched him speed down the road and I got mad at myself for wanting to invite him over, but not wanting to come on too strong. At home we texted each other almost simultaneously. "You shouldn't have left in such a rush," I teased. "What do you mean?" he asked. "It means that you could've stayed for a minute," I nervously replied. "Cute. Wish I had known. You could've told me," he typed back. "Thought you could read my mind," I laughed. "Should I come back?" he asked. "How long would you be driving?" "20 minutes." Shit, that sounded like a long drive. "Come back if you feel like it." "Are you kidding? ... I'm on my way right now!!!"

Later he claimed that he drove real slow to make sure that nothing happened to him on his way back. The last few days we've been motorcycling, talking, walking around and driving to different towns in the area to hide from people that knew us. I got to know a very different side of him. The Wyatt that I knew all this time was hard-working, multi-talented, quick-witted, bold, feisty, impulsive and dramatic. He was nothing like the guys I usually went for. Wyatt is all of that, but he is also the most creative, observant, thoughtful, caring and protective person. He tells stories the way they really are and isn't afraid to show vulnerability. I used to think that all there was to it was physical chemistry, I mean the chemistry was indeed mind blowing. Now I know that it was his intense gaze that gave me the chills. He felt it too. It wasn't just me. 

I enjoy having him around, but I am still very much behind in the emotional department. He is serious about the whole thing, while I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I never even pictured us together, although he was hot. I thought we were very different people, he was too young and a country boy. There is also a problem with our work situation, if people find out it will change everything. I haven't mentioned him to anyone, because I need to figure this out on my own. There are just two things that I can be sure of. First, I was wrong about him and he does have a lot of qualities that I am looking for in a guy. Second, I can't stay in the countryside, not even for a great guy. 

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