How often can a heart break for the same reason. Too often. It mends a little and it breaks a little again.
I thought I'd be happy by now. And I would be if it weren't for Percy. I can't be happy about anything right now. All I can think of, is what I don't have.
He just can't leave me alone. He always gives this little speech and this little promise, then he takes it all back. I call his BS, but I'm still suffering. I've been going crazy, ever since I got involved with this craziness. Not a second of it was worth it.
I wanna go back in time and unknow everything Percy has said to me. He is the reason why I can't enjoy anything anymore. Why everything that I have doesn't seem to be enough anymore. It's not about Percy in particular as it is about the idea of falling for someone. Percy doesn't care about me one bit, he enjoys the attention at most (exactly as I said 5 months ago). So stop lying to yourself and start seeing him for who he really is.
I thought I'd be happy by now. But I'm just getting unhappier by the minute.
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