Wyatt gave up his position in order to give me a chance to continue on. His sacrifice wasn't for nothing. Last week Wren and Barney handed in their double resignation, while Brendan went on his third job interview. I've known the four guys from the moment they first applied. As they one by one got hired by the "special department", the company's future appeared a little bit safer and brighter. I've been right there - through all the funny, hopeful and tough times - until the moment they quit their jobs. The guys will be gone in a matter of weeks, but I can't even be seen with them in public without drawing negative attention.
Yes, it is an uncomfortable environment. I know it better than most people and still feel absolutely clueless. Only those who remain invisible will make it far. The reason I'm still (barely) alive is because I'm one of Len's dogs. The dogs will get kicked around, but they won't get left behind.